How to Ace the 2024 Back to School Shopping Season

Maggie Sullivan

May 24, 2024

Believe it or not, but the 2024 Back to School Shopping season is approaching. While many students are kicking back to enjoy their summer vacations, now’s actually the perfect time for advertisers to start planning their Back to School shopping campaigns. 

Despite economic concerns and costs remaining relatively high, this year’s Back to School shopping season is still expected to be a lucrative one.

That being said, consumers are indicating they’ll be selective of how and where they spend their money. Many will look to prioritize the most important items first. We expect clothing, accessories, and electronic items will take top priority this season.

Consumers will most likely be shopping across numerous channels as well. Over half of Millennial parents report shopping from their mobile device and choose online shopping over in-person. Additionally, BNPL apps continue to become more popular as more budget conscious consumers turn to them to extend their buying power. 

As always, search remains a valuable channel for advertisers to reach high-intent consumers. Search ad spend accounts for over 40% of U.S. digital ad spending, and keyword search volume for Back to School Shopping rose significantly in the past year, indicating the channel’s dominance. 

These are just some of the insights we’ve gathered to help advertisers prepare for success this Back to School shopping season. Equip yourself with all the knowledge you need to outpace your competition and capture high-intent audiences.

Download our full Back to School guide below and explore the latest consumer trends, insights, and recommendations to stay on top of your game this season.

Explore the latest Back to School trends and insights here!